September 10, 2011
1000 Hrs.
Fire crews reacted to flare-ups throughout the night. The winds subsided greatly during the night which aided firefighters with their tasks.
This morning, with appropriate conditions, an assessment of structural damage is now in progress. Updated information will be released as soon as possible.
No roads or evacuated areas have been opened and they are expected to remain closed until the fires are controlled. Fire dangers remain elevated and flare-ups can occur at any time, especially if the wind picks-up and the current weather trends continue.
No one will be allowed past the road barriers or into the evacuated areas except emergency personnel. Those residents who may not have evacuated and elect to leave will not be allowed back through the road closure areas.
DO NOT CALL 911 for evacuation, road closures, general or fire information. The 911 system should be used for actual emergencies. The information phone number is 936-539-7812.
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Lt. Dan Norris