CONROE — Precinct 5 Constable David Hill decided to show up early Monday morning to beat the crowd in paying his application fee and making his reelection bid official at Montgomery County Republican Party headquarters. The registration was to begin at 9 a.m. However, Constable Hill, Chief Deputy David Wood, and Hill’s daughter Angie were on location shortly after 7 a.m.
Moments later, Precinct 4 Constable Kenneth “Rowdy” Hayden arrived to sign up for his second run.
With temperatures just below 32 degrees, doors opened early, at 8 a.m., to allow the candidates to stay warm.
As the “Atomic Clock,” as Republican Chairman Dr. Walter Wilkerson called it, struck 9 a.m., the filing began. Constable David Hill was first, followed by Constable Rowdy Hayden. The line continued with County Tax Collector J.R. Moore, Precinct 2 Constable Gene DeForest, and Kenny Speight, who is running for the position of Precinct 3 Commissioner. Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office’s Lt. Dan Norris, running for Precinct 3 Constable, was next to make it official, followed by his boss Sheriff Tommy Gage who is seeking re-election.
For a complete list of those filing to run on the Republican ticket, visit the Montgomery County Republican Party website at: