On Monday, Montgomery County Republican candidates began officially filing for their slots on the March 1, 2016 Primary ballot. Pct. 4 Constable Kenneth “Rowdy” Hayden was among them. Constable Hayden will seek his third term and Pct. 3 Constable Ryan Gable will seek his second.
Constable Hayden, who ran for office on a platform of doing more, has increased personnel and expanded the office to a 24/7 operation, dedicating resources not only to US 59, but to neighborhoods, commercial areas, and connecting roadways. His administration has also increased training, and has built a solid reputation of fighting criminal activity, from drug interdiction to cybercrimes.
The Precinct 4 Constable’s Office has become the third most productive local law enforcement agency in Montgomery County by volume and arrests, behind only MCSO and CPD. Precinct 4 is fourth overall when DPS, which is statewide, is included.
“The Constable’s office is current with the JP court on civil process; our neighborhoods are better patrolled, and safer; and our brothers in law enforcement have a reliable partner in east county,” said Justice of The Peace James Metts.
As a result, Commissioners Court has continued to provide resources. “I am excited that Constables Rowdy Hayden and Ryan Gable are willing to serve another four years. They have made a great impact on law enforcement in Montgomery County,” said County Judge Craig Doyal.
“I am proud of what we have accomplished in the last 7 years.” said Hayden, who has served Montgomery County as law enforcement for 23 years. “But, there is much more to do.”
Hayden will be opposed by 27-year-old Harris County Deputy Constable Tim Hayes.
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