Sunday, September 15, 2024


David Eason has announced his candidacy for the office of Constable, Montgomery County Precinct 2 in the 2024 election. Eason’s career in Law Enforcement spans twenty-five years. Eason has worked for both Harris and Montgomery County Sheriff departments involved in many facets including jail, patrol, person and property investigations, the Auto Theft Task Force, and the Homicide and Violent Crimes Unit. As a Master Police Officer, Eason currently serves as Captain of Montgomery County Precinct 2 Constables office. In this role, he oversees the administration of Civil Processes and Patrol Operations. In addition to his own law enforcement experience, Eason’s family has a generational background in law enforcement and has proudly served Montgomery County and other communities for over 100 years combined.

In collaboration with current Constable Gene Deforest, and with his endorsement for the 2024 race, Eason will continue to serve all citizens with the same set of principles and core values that have successfully led the Montgomery County Precinct 2 office during the past twenty years. Through honor, strength, unity, and core family values, Eason is confident that his continued leadership at the Precinct 2 Constable’s office can unite and build bridges between all law enforcement services in this county, continuing to bring safety and security to the forefront with modern police practices and innovation.

Eason’s mission is to serve the public, create lasting relationships, and plan for the future of an expanding population through new initiatives, and the opportunities they bring, to strengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of the Constables office. Eason holds the traditions and values of the families of this great county in the highest regard and has made it his goal to provide a level of service that exceeds the expectations of all that reside here.

Montgomery County is one of the fastest-growing counties in the nation. As the population grows, public services must project the future needs of the community. Eason’s vision is to continue creating partnerships with all agencies to facilitate communication, cooperation, safety, and mutual aid. Eason plans to continue the highest level of civil process and service to the court system while supporting local businesses and providing mutual aid to other agencies as a force multiplier.

With your vote in 2024, Eason, along with the support of the Montgomery County Precinct 2 staff, will lead the way into the next era of civil process and policing by continuing to foster working relationships with both communities and other law enforcement agencies within the county.
“It will be an honor to serve as the next Precinct 2 Constable and I look forward to proudly Representing the people who call Montgomery County home. My decades of experience in law enforcement have equipped me with the hands-on experience to lead the Precinct 2 Constable’s office professionally and ethically, along with the integrity necessary to continue the effectiveness of the office of Constable. In addition, I would like to extend a special thanks to Constable Gene Deforest for his trust and confidence in my ability to lead Montgomery County Precinct 2 into the next generation of exceptional public service. In March of 2024, you can find me on the Montgomery County Republican ballot under Precinct 2 Constable.” said Eason.

Those interested in learning more about Eason go to @EasonForConstable on Facebook, or to participate in the 2024 Eason for Constable campaign, or to correspond with David Eason, you can email him at [email protected].

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