Hundreds attended the “Celebration Of Life” service Thursday for Montgomery County Deputy Daniel “Chris” Wiesepape, 44 of Montgomery.
Daniel Christian Wiesepape
10/20/1966 – 07/22/2011
By: Denise F. Wilkins
Former Senior Sergeant Montgomery County Sheriff Office
Daniel Christian Wiesepape was a man who was born to serve. He served as a Christian, American, husband, father, loyal friend, Deputy Sheriff and Naval Officer. His love and care for others was evident in his actions and words. The same year he was commissioned as a Deputy with Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, 2002, he was deployed for the first time. Chris, as his family and friends called him, served his first tour of duty in the Middle East from 2002-2003. His second tour was 2006-2007. He was called to Active Duty for his third tour in early 2010.
The citizens of Montgomery County, as well as other law enforcement officers, looked forward to him responding to their calls for service. I have spoken with citizens since his last deployment to active duty with the Navy, and they have each expressed how much he is missed. His strength, intelligence and abilities did not go unrecognized or appreciated by those he served. On Saturday evening I spoke with a local clerk of a popular store in West Montgomery County. She was devastated upon hearing of his passing and stated, “It just hasn’t been the same since he left. Nobody cares the way he did.”
I served with “Wiese” as we called him, as fellow commissioned officer with Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office. There was no one with whom I preferred to respond to a call for service. He was one of the few with whom no words were necessary. We knew what we needed to do and how to get it done. I have told many a person how we could respond to a Priority 1 scene in our patrol vehicles, and it was a ballet of horsepower and wheels on the roads of West Montgomery County. My husband and I laughed Saturday evening as we were discussing Wiese. He was the only person I knew who could “over think” an incident as he wrote the report more than I did. His attention to detail and extra effort to make sure his work was complete and correct was beyond question. He rarely was subpoenaed to court to testify due to his ability to thoroughly investigate and document the incident. Criminals, defense attorneys, district attorneys and judges all seemed to respond with “Ok, you’re right …no need to fight these charges.”
He spent countless hours studying to improve himself in his specialization in the US Navy. Thus, the servicemen and women with whom he served in the Navy received the fruits of those labors. While he was preparing himself for promotion to Chief Petty Officer and all the required expectations, he was still working actively as a Deputy Sheriff and providing training for other Navy personnel. When he had a few quiet moments on shift, he would pull his patrol vehicle under the shade of a tree while he read the Bible. His devotion to God, County and Family was evident in every aspect of his life. His dedication to his wife and children showed in his words and actions. He was a disciplinarian with a sense of humor. And, they love him for it.
He took great pride in preparing for his Naval promotion. He shared the work he was doing both before and after with us. It wasn’t long after he was promoted to Chief Petty Officer that he received his orders for his third deployment to active duty. This was a difficult time for Wiese as his family’s activities were such his participation was key. In addition, his caring for the citizens of Montgomery County also laid heavily on his mind. But, he took it in stride, made his preparations and left for San Diego. It was shortly before he was to head out to sea when he was diagnosed with colon cancer. His wife, Melissa, was speaking with one of the Navy physicians when the physician felt drawn to assist them in a very special way. If not for his calls and contacts Wiese would not have been transferred and seen at MD Anderson in Houston in such a timely manner.
When they returned to the Houston area to be treated at MD Anderson the serious stage of his cancer was discovered. Over the last 13 months Daniel Christian Wiesepape with his family by his side worked and fought to overcome the obstacles. He fought with the same tenacity he had drawn upon during his careers in law enforcement and the military. His children, family and friends gathered together in his last days to give him strength and draw upon each other’s strength. He left a legacy of love behind when he left us to go home on July 22, 2011 at 7:14 pm. I spoke with the hospice nurse who was in attendance at his home when he passed. She told me she was amazed and touched by the outpouring of people and support during Friday evening.
Daniel Christian Wiesepape has always been a bit of a Maverick in his life. One of his frequent phrases was from Top Gun “Negative, Ghost Rider”. There were times when his requests were denied just like Maverick’s, but today we close by saying…
Affirmative, Ghost Rider you are cleared to buzz the tower. Keep us on your radar.
Daniel wanted things simple at his funeral. He requested people attending to wear bright colors in Celebration of Life. He also requested his casket be carried in a pick-up truck instead of the traditional hearse.
Several speakers told of their experiences over the years from the Navy to the Harris County Sheriff’s Department and on to the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office.
The procession left Montgomery Cowboy Church following SH 105 to Loop 336. Then continued to Interstate 45 and south to Houston National.
******* THIS WEEKEND*****************
Deputy Wiesepape is 44 years old and married with 5 children, 2 daughters and 3 sons. The family purchased 12 acres in the Dobbin area with aspirations of building a house and barn for the children’s animals. The Montgomery County Law Enforcement Association and Sheriff Gage began accepting donations from county employees about 2 weeks ago to raise money to build the barn and repair fence on the purchased property. When the word began spreading, it was clear that not only county employees wanted to help, but the community as well. MCLEA has received several large donations from community citizens as well as area businesses. MCLEA has received so much support; we have decided to make a public announcement about how the community can help the Wiesepape family during this time of need. MCLEA has set up a fund account at Post Oak Bank, located at1302 W. Davis Conroe, TX. 77304. Any donation can be made to the Wiesepape Fund.
MCLEA has also set up a work day at the property on Saturday July 30th and Sunday July 31st. Volunteers will be setting up the barn purchased by funds raised by county employees, running a water line and repairing fence lines. Anyone wanting to help is
welcome to come out and take care of one of our county and countries finest. MCLEA is asking that volunteers bring any equipment that will be useful in building fence and clearing wooded fence lines. A BBQ lunch and drinks will be furnished as well.
All proceeds left over will be given to the family to help with mounting bills. It is MCLEA’s goal to raise enough money to pay all the bills and set aside some money for the 5 children to assist with college. Anyone wishing to volunteer can contact MCLEA Vice President David Wallace at [email protected] or MCLEA Board Member Jason Moore at[email protected]. A map to the property will be available upon request