Conroe, TX-The San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA) in partnership with Texas Parks and Wildlife’s (TPWD) Inland Fisheries are preparing for their annual Christmas Tree Drive to collect discarded Christmas trees for use as artificial fish habitat. During the month of January, SJRA and TPWD ask residents to donate their discarded live Christmas trees in an effort to enhance Lake Conroe fishery while simultaneously reducing landfill waste.
“Once holiday season comes to an end and everyone begins boxing up lights, sweeping up pine needles, and the like, many are left wondering what to do with their Christmas tree. There is good news! Christmas trees, stripped of any decorations of course, make excellent fish habitat” says Bret Raley, SJRA’s Lake Conroe Division Manager. “Every year, SJRA staff in collaboration with Texas Parks and Wildlife gather bunches of Christmas trees to form what are known as brush reefs. These reefs are deployed into Lake Conroe and provide food and protection for prey species of fish while attracting the predator species that are so much fun to catch.”
SJRA attaches the trees to cement blocks and sinks them at pre-determined locations throughout the lake. Once deployed, the locations are publicized on SJRA’s social media so anglers can use them as fishing destinations. If trees are not properly weighed down, they could eventually float free or wind up on the shoreline instead of the bottom of the lake. For that reason, SJRA asks residents to donate their trees rather than attempting to anchor them in the lake.
This year, we are pleased to announce that we have two drop off locations. Please donate your live Christmas tree at the drop-off locations below:
- one in Montgomery County at the West End of the Lake Conroe Dam and
- one in Harris County at the Southwest Corner of the Highlands Reservoir.
Richard Tramm, SJRA Highlands Division Manager stated, “SJRA has hosted the Christmas Tree Drive for a number of years. We are honored to be able to offer a second drop off location this year, at the Highlands Division office in Harris County. This will allow local area residents to participate in the drive, without having to make the trip to Lake Conroe.”
To see the specific locations where you can drop off your Christmas tree, please refer to the maps in the graphic. The last day to drop-off for this season’s tree drive is Friday, January 29.
Please remember that trees need to be real (not artificial) and free of all decorations.
To view prior year’s Christmas tree drive deployment, watch SJRA’s YouTube video titled SJRA and Texas Parks and Wildlife Christmas Tree Fish Habitat on Lake Conroe.
One of the major river authorities in Texas, SJRA’s mission is to develop, conserve, and protect the water resources of the San Jacinto River basin. Covering all or part of seven counties, the organization’s jurisdiction includes the entire San Jacinto River watershed, excluding Harris County. SJRA does not levy taxes, nor does it receive funding from the Texas Legislature. For additional information on SJRA visit our website at, like SJRA on Facebook @SanJacintoRiverAuthority, follow us on Twitter @SJRA_1937, find us on Instagram @sanjacintoriverauthoritysjra, or connect with us on LinkedIn @San Jacinto River Authority.