On December 19, 2009 Montgomery County Deputy Gamble was working an extra job at the Porter What-A-Burger when he was advised of a male asleep in his car at the drive-thru. As Gamble approached him he drove off just to end up in the parking lot asleep again. At this point he was placed in custody. His blood alcohol was .15 almost double the legal limit. The driver Michael Castor was booked on a fourth DWI. The Montgomery County Grand Jury handed down a True Bill giving him his first felony charge.
Castor had been lucky since 1999. He had been charged with Assault, three DWI’s, possession, unlawful carrying of a weapon. All were misdemeanors except on charge which was a State Jail Felony for which he received Deferred Adjudication. Being discharged from that he had no felony conviction.
Mr. Castor figured he could get probation again and took it to trial in the 221st District Court Tuesday.
After Assistant District Attorney Tammy Adamo presented her case it only took the jury fifty minutes to find Castor guilty. Castor was taken into custody and spent Tuesday night in the Montgomery County Jail waiting Wednesday’s punishment phase.
This time it took the jury a bit longer. Three hours later the handed down a sentence of eight years in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
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