An seventy-year-old man from Willis lost his life today on County Line Road between Rose and Jack Gibbs. According to Trooper Andre Brack the 2003 Toyota Tundra pickup was westbound on County Line when he came into a curve, slid sideways and straddled the guardrail for several feet before dropping to the opposite of the creek almost ten feet.
Once it dropped below the bridge it struck on of the bridge pillars.
When EMS arrived the required the help of North Montgomery County Fire Department to make access to the heavily damaged vehicle. When they were able to make access to the vehicle they found Walter David Stringer had already passed away.
At the time of the accident the roads were wet and it had been misting.
Precinct 1 Justice of the Peace Lanny Moriarti pronounced Stringer dead and ordered Sam Houston Funeral Home to transport him to Dallas for autopsy.
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