In April 2004 Rookie Houston Firefighter Kevin Kulow lost his life while battling a ballroom fire in the Spring Branch area. Kulow had been a volunteer fireman with the Sealy Fire Department for 14-years-prior to that. President Bush attended the funeral and Kevin Kulows father, Daniel Kulow remembers it. Daniel Kulow appeared in Magnolia Thursday to pay his last respects to President George Bush. He said he remembers the day of Kevin’s funeral, Bush attended. That evening George Bush took Kevin’s step-son Justin to the Astros game. Kevin’s other son, Kyle was only 4-years-old at the time. His grandson Justin really enjoyed the time with Bush and had been all keyed up when he got home from all the popcorn and cokes, he had been given. The following day they all went to Bush’s Houston Office and were given baseballs and hats and an autographed t-shirt from the Houston Astros. He said the Sandbagger was pitching that night, so it came out a good night. Daniel Kulow called Bush a good man.