Friday, February 7, 2025


Lea Croston got home from work about 6:30pm Friday night. When she arrived her son had already started a small fire in their fireplace. After a short time the fire had died down and they decided to go to dinner at Willy’s not to far from their home on Ashland Drive in the Huntington Subdivision off SH 242.

They had just finished dinner and were getting fuel at Wal-Mart when a neighbor called Croston to tell her she thought the house was on fire as smoke was seen coming from it. The fire department had also been called.

At 7:58pmthe alarm sounded at Needham Fire  Department just down the road. Firefighters were out of the station within a minute and 5 minutes later arrived on the mobile home with flames out the roof and windows. A second alarm was sounded for additional engines and tankers bringing The Woodlands, Caney Creek, Central Montgomery County, Lake Conroe, Conroe and Magnolias Fire Departments.

Firefighters had a fierce battle on their hands as the wind was pushing the fire through the open attic. Moments later the roof collapsed on the 5-year-old mobile home.

The fire was finally brought under control close to 9 pm.

Lea Croston had everything she owned in the house. The most important she said was her Pitt Bull. When they arrived home her son started banging on the doors and windows trying to get the dog to respond, but nothing. She told firefighters the dog was scared of everything and even a knock at the door or lightening would result her running into Croston’s master bedroom and getting under the bed. Several firefighters entered the bedroom with the collapsed ceiling to recover the body of Croston’s dog.

Moments later as Croston sat in her car out in front of the home firefighters emerged from the front door with a tail wagging “Little Bit” a full size Pitt Bull.

Firefighters and medics quickly took little bitt across the street and applied a pet oxygen mask which is now carried on most fire trucks and medic units in Montgomery County. It was only minutes and “Little Bit”, cold and wet was panting and wagging her tail. Medics covered her with a blanket to attempt to dry her off and warm her up.

Croston said, “considering what had happened to that room, the Lord had to have had her in his arms.”

Chief Hosler with the Needham Fire Department said with the intensity and heat load on that room the dog should not have survived. He to was not believing his eyes when the firefighters exited with the dog yelling she is alive.

The Montgomery County Fire Marshal’s Office responded to the scene. He said early indications lead him to believe the cause was the fireplace. He said it was possible for the metal have heated and the radiant heat started the fire in the void area between the wall and fireplace. In fact it was possible it could have been burning before the family even left for dinner.

The Fire Marshal’s Office warns not to leave a fireplace burn unattended or us it for a primary heat source.

Some metal type fire places fail at the steel pipe joints and yet others can put off enough radiant heat to ignite any combustible close by.

Hosler said when they arrived the roof had already opened up from the area around the fireplace. That is when the strong winds blew the fire through the open attic.

Croston’s son who lost his father a short time ago had all the memories of his father in a bedroom he had been using while staying with his mother. Most of those memories were intact as that room suffered little damage.

Croston said all she had were the clothes on her back, she fears she even lost a dress she had planned to wear to Ecuador  later this month when she was to attend a wedding.


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