Three doggies, whose only crime was having the wrong humans, have run out of time at the Montgomery County Animal Shelter and will be euthanized if someone doesn’t come forward to adopt or foster them. There were five on Death Row this time, but two were blessed with kindhearted souls choosing them to take home before the deadline. Because of the weather crisis that shutdown everything for two days, the remaining three pups have until Tuesday to find homes. ‘
Unfortunately, today is almost over, tomorrow is shorter shelter hours (11:30 to 5) and the shelter is closed Monday. That means a half of a day tomorrow and then Tuesday until 5 p.m. are all the time that’s left for someone to save the three sweet dogs humans left to die. Any of the three left without somewhere besides the MCAS to call home by 5 p.m. Tuesday, will be euthanized.
Adoption fees are waved because nobody wants to see this tragedy occur. It’s unavoidable, with the massive county growth and tremendous increase in abandoned or surrendered animals. The MCAS can only keep them for so long, and then they must make room for the next animals humans have failed.
To be clear, they are not a package deal. Anyone who can adopt or foster one of them would be saving a life and everyone would be grateful, but most of all, the pup who’s saved.
The three dogs who need humans to save them are Mercy, Clifford and Bantha. Scroll down for pics and info-
Mercy A396236, 1yr 10M, Spayed Female, 53lbs, Heartworm Negative
Mercy is one of our longest in shelter residents at 313 Days! She came to the shelter pregnant and gave birth to puppies, all have been adopted. Mercy is on the shy side, likely having had little human interaction before arriving. While her progress may be slow, she’s gradually learning to trust people and even gets excited to see her favorite faces. Mercy loves treats and will come up to take one from you, though she prefers to keep her distance most of the time. Mercy spent time in staff office, starting off anxious but eventually settling into a cozy bed. She was quiet, kept to herself, and took treats gently. She currently shares her kennel with another dog.
Clifford A405494, 3yrs, Neutered Male, 50lbs, Heartworm Positive
Clifford arrived at the shelter in early October. When he first came in, he was understandably nervous and had some initial challenges with staff—baring his teeth and even attempting to bite. However, with patience and gentle handling, Clifford has started to open up and show his true personality. He loves playing with toys and has a strong food drive, which makes him eager to learn. He’s already mastered “sit” and “shake” and is a quick learner who would thrive in a home with structure and training. Clifford cannot be co-kenneled in the shelter due to his behavior, he’s currently housed alone.
Cleetus A322479, 7yrs, Neutered Male, 84lbs, Heartworm Negative
Bantha A402989, 1yr 5m, Neutered Male, 46lbs, Heartworm Negative
Bantha is a playful, happy boy with tons of personality and charm. He loves spending time with people, splashing around in water, and is a real treat lover—he even knows the “sit” command! Bantha would thrive in a home where he can receive plenty of attention and understanding. Bantha has faced challenges being paired with other dogs and is currently unable to be co-kenneled due to his behavior. In late December, he exhibited some nipping behavior when volunteers returned him to his kennel.
Email [email protected];
Adoptions are open Tuesday – Sunday 11:30am-5pm
Montgomery County Animal Shelter
8535 SH 242
Conroe, TX 77385
*We cannot guarantee the behavior of animals*