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HomeLocal / Area NewsJudge Sadler's statement to the public regarding his DWI arrest

Judge Sadler’s statement to the public regarding his DWI arrest

Courtesy of Gilbert G. Garcia, attorney

County Judge Alan B. Sadler accepts full Responsibility for first-time DWI

Conroe – Montgomery County Judge Alan “Barb” Sadler pled guilty on Friday, April 3 and accepted standard provisions in his conviction for a first-time DWI. Judge Sadler accepted a sentence of 3 days in jail, with credit for time served, a $1,000 fine, court costs, and a driver’s license suspension. Sadler was arrested on March 4 on suspicion of driving while intoxicated following a minor accident in Conroe.

Sadler explains that “alcohol along with the residual effects of prescribed medication created my impaired driving. I sincerely regret what happened; I apologize to the people of Montgomery County and to Mrs. Vogel who ended up with a damaged bumper.”
By pleading guilty, Judge Sadler acknowledged that, “no one is above the law. The Conroe Police Department acted with the utmost in professional police practices, and the DA’s office simply did their job to protect and serve the public. I take full responsibility. I want to do my part to educate people that prescription medication, not just alcohol, can lead to DWI.” comments Sadler.
Mr. Gilbert G. Garcia, Judge Sadler’s lawyer, verified that this was a standard resolution for first-time DWI offenders. “This is an outcome that is very normal in these circumstances. For first-time offenders, the goal of the criminal justice system is to help them recognize their behavior and reduce the risks they take.” said Garcia. Attorney Gilbert G. Garcia is Board Certified in Criminal Law, has practiced law for 30 years and the owner of The Gilbert G. Garcia Law Firm which is devoted to Criminal Defense.

Garcia warns of the dangers that can be caused by combining alcohol and prescription medications. He explains, “One can legally drink alcohol and drive. However, a legal amount of alcohol, mixed with prescription medication at even a minimal level can have dangerous and serious legal consequences.” Judge Sadler’s responsibility and commitment go well beyond many who are in a similar situation. “In addition to the sentence, Judge Sadler has voluntarily made himself available to the Sheriff’s Department, the DA’s office and victim’s groups to help educate others on the consequences of drinking and taking prescription medication,” said Garcia.
Sadler’s final comments show that we are all human and experience life’s many trials and tribulations, “Like President Truman once said, I believe that the highest office in this land is that of citizen, not political office. I requested that I be treated like all other citizens, and I was dealt with in that manner. I am committed to the personal growth that will come from this experience and will seek all opportunities to serve our community.”

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