A family disturbance on Chism Street in the city of Devers quickly developed into a Kidnapping and Violation of a Protective Order offense by Kevin Nobles, age 24 when he grabbed his 18 month old son from Nobles mother who was baby sitting with the child at the time the child’s mother was with another child at Texas Children’s Hospital. This prompted a call to the Liberty County Sheriff’s Department at approximately 6:pm to report the kidnapping.
Due to the concern for the child’s safety, this immediately set into motion a rather extensive search by Liberty Sheriff’s personnel, Capt. Don Neyland, lead Investigator Sgt. Joel Davila, Sgt. Chris Ungles, Sgt. Darrell Elliott, Deputy Ranson Martel and TAB Agent Raymond Wrinkler who all followed different leads that extended from Devers to Dayton and then South to Chambers County. The only description available was Nobles vehicle which was a gold colored car with paper license plates.
Shortly before an Amber Alert was to be issued, Kevin Nobles was seen driving into a gas station on FM 1409 just inside the Chambers County line where he was detained by Agent Raymond Wrinkler until the arrival of the Sheriff’s personnel. Kevin Nobles was arrested at approximately 8:30pm. From interviewing the subject it was determined that Nobles young son was at a friend’s house in the nearby area where he had been left. The friend, Jessica Stewart brought the small child to FM 1409 and CR 4014 where he was turned over to the Officers at 8:40 pm. The child has since been reunited with his family and is in good health with no injuries.
Kevin Nobles, who has been handled by this department in the past, was booked into the Liberty County jail on a Kidnapping charge as well as a charge of violation of the Protective Order. At this time no bond has been set as he will go before a Judge in the morning.