American Medical Response (AMR) provided an official response today to a request for qualifications (RFQ) issued by Harris County Emergency Services District No. 11 (ESD11). One of Texas’s largest emergency service districts, ESD11 covers a 177-square mile portion of northwest Harris County and includes nearly 580,000 residents.
In its RFQ, ESD11 specified that it seeks an established emergency medical services (EMS) provider to deliver emergency, non-emergency, and inter-facility ambulance transportation services within the District. AMR manages a busy interfacility ambulance transportation operation in Houston already and operates the 9-1-1 ambulance systems in Arlington, Temple, Waco, Amarillo, and several other communities across the state and county. It is also FEMA’s prime EMS provider for a response to disasters and public health crises nationwide.
“AMR provides customized solutions designed to meet the unique needs of every community we serve,” said Steven Dralle, Regional President of Global Medical Response, AMR’s parent company. “It all starts with listening, and we’ve heard – loud and clear – that the ESD11 Board of Commissioners and taxpayers of the District expect high-quality clinical care, operational transparency, and fiscal accountability from their contract partner. Taxpayers shouldn’t be left holding the bag for operational inefficiencies, cost overruns, and market fluctuations.”
AMR’s RFQ response included solutions for reducing ambulance response times, community engagement, and other innovations. It also intends to continue the employment of the frontline EMS heroes already working in the District.
“Many dedicated EMTs and paramedics currently serve ESD11. We want to retain these team members and provide them with competitive wages, comprehensive benefits, and unparalleled opportunities for advancement,” Dralle said. “We’re excited to nurture and support these EMS professionals who are deeply invested in the local community.”
ESD11 Commissioners may decide to award a contract solely at their discretion. The chosen provider would be required to initiate service in the District on July 1, 2020 or a later, mutually agreeable date.