Monday, February 17, 2025
HomeLocal / Area NewsLet The Veteran and His Camper Stay!

Let The Veteran and His Camper Stay!

Marine Lance Corporal Jeff Wolf has fell on some hard times lately. He is a Vietnam Vet who served 2 tours from 1967-68 and 1970-71. He is also now dying of Cancer (Renal Carcinoma) and is struggling to keep what is left of his possesions, medical supplies, and medicine. He stores such things in a small camper tucked between some businesses in the City of Montgomery Texas. He may not have much time left and has some things in the camper that he would like to be buried with, like his medals and other things. He had permission to put the camper there from the land owner and it has been there for a few months. Until the City of Montgomery decided it is an eyesore and decided to threaten the land owner with fines and a lien on his property. Claiming that they do not allow campers in the city limits. There has been RV’s parked within a square mile from where his camper is now, that stayed there for years. Local business owners even asked the city if they painted the camper and made it more presentable would the city let it stay, and the city refused. Jeff Wolf is homeless and is just trying to live out the remaining time he has on this earth with what little he has left and some peace.




City Council, City of Montgomery Texas
City of Montgomery Texas, City Council

Let The Veteran and His Camper Stay!

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