For almost two years this site has been used for information for people in Montgomery County. Readers were allowed to post to Facebook as they saw fit. Many would post when they saw a situation develop or had good information.
This past week a decision was made to shut the Facebook side down for readers to post. There was too much mis-information going out. Information that in many cases put people in needless panic.
Second, the page has gotten out of hand with name calling and commenting back and forth on subjects in a negative way.
I am as of today going to once again allow you, our readers to post on the wall.
I am going to attempt to police it more than I was. Please remember when someone posts something and another individual clicks “LIKE” on it to follow any additional information , it is not they are being rude.
Also remember many have FB to their mobile device and would like to sleep at night. With the bickering between one another on a subject they are forced to either shut their device off or quit monitoring FB. Many time middle of the night stories could be serious, fires, storms, evacuations etc. This would take them out of the feed.
Remember , this is an information site. Not an official site. I will post as soon as I have details on something. Please sign up for Code Red, it is a lifesaver. Refer to the Fire Marshal page on wildfires.
Do not post hear say, message me direct and I will check into it.
Do not post advertising as it will be deleted.
On incidents I will post details when I have them. There is only one of me to make the scene. Jamie assists on editing the paper and does not respond to scenes. If an accident is fatal or coud go fatal it sometimes is up to five hours as investigators work through the scene and have information. Crime scenes sometimes more.
On an accident scene that is fatal or is a possible I will not describe vehicles, color or names until DPS or the investigating agency releases them. Many think that once a family member knows that is the time. We have many military heroes overseas who also read Facebook, it is not right for them to find out a loved one has been lost here by Facebook.
\Anyone posting names the comment will be deleted and blocked.
Once again I hope I am doing the right thing by opening it up again, I has worked fine until the wildfires.
Lets abide by the rules and help each other out.
In the past I have posted DWI mugs and all arrested in the county each week. I will continue the most wanted but the DWI mugs and arrest records will be limited to the newspaper. All the data was slowing the system down and many were getting errors during peak times,
The Montgomery County Police Reporter Newspaper comes out every Friday and is available by subscription ( the information is at the top on the website) or by going by one of 75 vendors also listed throughout the county.
Thank You
Scott Engle
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