Over the past few days a video has circulated of a possible threat on Magnolia West High School. Montgomery County Precinct 5 Constable David Hill whose office handles Magnolia ISD security and Investigators concluded there is not threat. After using a dog from the Montgomery County Fire Marshal’s Office a sweep was made of the school and it was determined there was no threatening object. After learning the identity of the young man in the video, he was interviewed. It appears the young man had been talking to a group of friends about what could happen if a threat was made. A person or persons in that group recorded the conversation and posted it in segments on Facebook leaving key elements out of the video which would have shown it not to have been a threat. Constable Hill who said his students and the security of the community and students is of the utmost priority of his department. Just after 4am this morning he finished the investigation. However, he did state officers would be on duty Friday to assure parents their sons and daughters were safe at any of the Magnolia Schools.