EAST MONTGOMERY COUNTY — Just after 9 a.m. on Monday, Deputy Chapa with the Precinct 4 Constable’s Office was notified of a large amount of trash dumped on the side of the road at the intersection of White Oak and Vick in New Caney. It may have looked like household garbage to passersby, but the site was far more than an eyesore. When he arrived, Deputy Chapa found over 30 bags of trash, in addition to loose trash in the ditch.
Donning gloves, the deputy decided to search through some of the trash and attempt to locate names or addresses. What he did not plan to find were multiple syringes, some containing a substance that tested positive for methamphetamine.
Deputy Chapa contacted Precinct 4 Commissioner Ed Rinehart who dispatched a supervisor and a road crew to the scene to load the trash and dispose of it.
As he waited for the crews, Deputy Chapa searched through additional bags, and soon got another surprise. He opened a bag and discovered uncut sheets of counterfeit money. Chapa requested assistance, which brought additional deputies to the scene along with Pct. 4 Constable Rowdy Hayden and Pct. 4 Chief Deputy Barry Welch. The other deputies continued searching through the trash and found over 40 syringes.
Inmates on the work detail repacked the trash in bags as deputies weighed each of the 24 bags and one pumpkin. A total of over 680 pounds was hauled by the road crew to the dump. The syringes and counterfeit money were seized as evidence.
The Pct. 4 Constable’s Office, a.k.a. “Men in Black,” are actively investigating the discovery using names and addresses found within the trash. The amount of trash dumped was large enough to constitute a felony charge of illegal dumping once a suspect is identified and located.
On the scene of the illegal dumpsite, Constable Hayden pointed out school busses dropping off small children nearby, noting how dangerous the items Deputy Chapa discovered could have been. The waste posed dangers not only for children who live and play in the area, but also for the crews gathering the trash from the ditch without knowing about the needles inside that could protrude, injuring one of them, or possibly infecting them with disease.
Anyone who witnessed the trash being dumped or has any information regarding this crime is asked to call the Montgomery County Precinct 4 Constables Office.
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