Tuesday, January 14, 2025





By Wayne Mack

“The Lord is my light and salvation; Whom Shall I Fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life, whom shall I be afraid “Psalms 27 1 ESV

“The sun sank below the horizon. The clouds blotted out the stars in the Moon. The darkness swept over like a canopy. The darkness made The Hiker weary – of animals of losing the trail. Of stepping in holes – but he had come prepared. In his backpack he placed a flashlight.
During the day as the sun lit up the main surroundings the flashlight was unnecessary. More of a burden that I help. A useless accessory. It wasn’t till Darkness descended that he turned to it for light.
Like the hiker we often cannot appreciate the light of the world until we’re face with Darkness circumstances. In the darkness, however, we need to light more than we need anything else. We need the light of Hope, the light of healing, the light of Grace and mercy. We need the light that only God can give.
Are you facing darkness in your life today? Turn on the flashlight of God’s word. Seek his face and let the precious light of his presence fill your life and cast out Darkness. Allow HIM, the light of the world to so illuminate your circumstance that hope replaces doubt in the shadow of unnecessary darkness and fear vanished like the night before the approaching Dawn”
By Ellie Claire- Hello God it is me….

Thank you Lord, the Word that is a light to my path, today,.tomorrow and Forever Amen??This is my prayer today…. Wayne Mack Author ofTheDirectedPath.com

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