Debris pickup is underway throughout Montgomery County. Please be patient with us as the sheer volume of cleanup has exceeded over one million cubic yards of vegetative debris.
Pickup includes all residents of Montgomery County except residents within the City limits of Conroe.
To ensure your vegetation debris is collected, property owners are encouraged to complete the debris removal survey by visiting:
Debris should be placed in the county right-of-way nearest to the curb/street. Debris will not be picked up if its contained within any plastic bags. The only debris being picked up is vegetation such as trees, branches, logs, plants etc.
The following Debris zones will see trucks begin debris pickup today and run for several weeks. A second pass of these zones will be scheduled in the future.
Current Debris Zones with ongoing pickup:
A3-expected to take 2 weeks for completion of first pass
B8-expected to take 1 month for completion of first pass
B9-expected to take 2 weeks for completion of first pass
B11-expected to take 2 weeks for completion of first pass
C12- expected to take 2 weeks for completion of first pass
C13-expected to take 3 weeks for completion of first pass
C14-expected to take 3 weeks for completion of first pass
C15-expected to take 1 week for completion of first pass
D22-expected to take 2 weeks for completion of first pass
Additional zones will be added in the coming weeks. Check back here for notices of when new zones will expect a first pass attempt.