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HomeLocal / Area NewsMontgomery County Constable Wins National Award

Montgomery County Constable Wins National Award

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX- The National Constables & Marshals Association (NCMA) recognized Precinct 5 Constable Chris Jones as “Constable of the Year 2024” at the awards ceremony that wrapped up the organization’s 51st Annual Conference in Gatlinburg Tennessee.  The prestigious award is presented annually to one Constable or Marshal nominated by their peers for “outstanding and notable actions in their office, community, state or nation highlighting service to their area citizens; inspired greatness to others; commitment to fellow citizens; dedication to fairness and humanity; gone above and beyond the duties of their office, shown attention to detail and outstanding work ethics; provided and/or promoted services or events to raise awareness to a cause to benefit citizens or fellow officers.”

As always, Constable Jones was humble in his reaction to the award, sharing credit with his entire department.

“I’m honored to receive the award,” he said. “I think it represents the hard work of everyone at Precinct 5.”

Some might be surprised to know Jones is an elected official, which technically makes him a politician. However, anyone who’s dealt with the Constable knows he doesn’t fit the stereotype.  After becoming only the second ever recipient of the award from Montgomery County, the Precinct 5 top cop stayed true to form.

“We have a great team, and I’m happy that we’ve been recognized,” Constable Jones said.

Constable Jones has been in law enforcement for nearly three decades and first became Precinct 5 Constable in 2018, following the retirement of Constable David Hill and Jones’s. Prior to becoming Constable, Jones held every position in the Precinct 5 Constable’s Office, beginning as a reserve deputy in 1996. Jones gradually worked his way up within the ranks as the county swiftly grew, along with the agency.

Precinct 4 Constable Kenneth “Rowdy” Hayden was Montgomery County’s first recipient of the annual Constable / Marshal of the Year award in 2022. He’s now vice-president of the NCMA Executive Board and attended the conference and awards ceremony, as did Montgomery County Precinct 1 Constable Philip Cash.

Constable Rowdy Hayden (NCMA Vice-President), Constable Chris Jones and Constable Council Nedd, II (NCMA President)
Constable Rowdy Hayden, Constable Chris Jones and Constable Philip Cash
Constable Rowdy Hayden and Constable Chris Jones

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