10a.m.-After being dispatched last night to Merkel, Texas Montgomery County Firefighters are on the road again. Porter, New Waverly, Needham and North Montgomery County Fire Department brush trucks left Willis at 9p.m. for the trip.
Arriving at Merkel at 3:30a.m., a 400 mile drive they arrived at Merkel for three hours sleep at the Scottish Inn on their rock solid beds. One firefighter said the motel reminded him of the movie “Vacancy”.
At 7:00am it was to the Texas Forest Service District Office. The morning briefing included the weather and a moment of silence for the Eastland Firefighter killed yesterday and the three critically burned. One official described this as the worst in his thirty years with the Texas Forest Service.
Moment later the Montgomery County Team was dispatched to Midland where they just arrived moments ago waiting on assignments.
There will be updates throughout the day.