ACOSTA, Edgardo White/Male DOB: 05/30/1955
Height: 5’07” Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair: Black Eyes: Brown
# 060807767 Bond Forfeiture
DWI 3rd or more
LKA: CR 3316, Cleveland.
CAMPBELL, Shawn Patrick
White/Male DOB: 03/14/1993
Height: 6’00” Weight: 160 lbs.
Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown
# 100909456 Capias
Agg. Assault W/a Deadly Weapon
LKA: O’Connor Dr, Splendora.
COLLIER, Samuel Seth
White/Male DOB:09/28/1980
Height: 5’04” Weight: 150 lbs.
Hair: Black Eyes: Brown
# 090505200 Motion to Adjudicate
Agg. Asslt. W/a Deadly Weapon
LKA: Borough Pk, Spring.
CRAIG, Alfred Harold
White/Male DOB: 08/08/1976
Height: 5’06’’ Weight: 220lbs.
Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue
# 100606121 Bond Forfeiture
Asslt/Bodily Injury/Family Member
LKA: Arrowhead, Montgomery.
FANN, Yvonne Lucille
White/Female DOB: 07/03/1943
Height: 5’02” Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair: Grey Eyes: Brown
# 060302730 Order of Arrest
DWI 3rd or More
LKA: Nelwood, Willis
GOAD, Eric
White/Male DOB: 07/29/1986
Height: 5’07” Weight: 155 lbs.
Hair: Blonde Eyes: Green Warrant:
# 100808353 Bond Forfeiture
Poss. Of Controlled Substance
LKA: Underwood, Willis.
NOBLE, Michael Mark
White/Male DOB: 03/24/1970
Height: 5’09” Weight: 170 lbs.
Hair: Brown Eyes: Hazel
# 100909777 Capias
Injury to the Elderly/Intent
LKA: Druids Ct, Montgomery.
Thackeray, Cory
White/Male DOB: 08/10/1970
Height: 6’00” Weight: 190 lbs.
Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown
# 100707601 Bond Forfeiture
Poss. Of Controlled Substance
LKA: Barnet, Magnolia.
WALDEN, Jason Keith
White/Male DOB: 05/27/1973
Height: 6’00” Weight: 165 lbs.
Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue
100302189 Bond Forfeiture
Poss. Of Controlled Substance
LKA: Rustic Brook, Cypress.
WILLIAMS, Kenneth James
Black/Male DOB: 06/28/1989
Height: 6’03” Weight 180 lbs.
Hair: Black Eyes: Brown
# 091111427 Bond Forfeiture
Poss. Of Marijuana
LKA: Tamina Rd, Conroe.