Montgomery County Precinct 1 Constable Philip Cash and Lt. Rosario have all hands on deck this weekend to keep Lake Conroe safe. They met Saturday morning with all the fire departments surrounding the lake, MCHD, and the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office to put the plan together. The Montgomery County District Attorney will also be stationed at the Lake office to process any intoxicated boaters this weekend. Cash said something they have seen the past few weeks is experienced boaters offering to captain boat owners’ boats so the owners can enjoy the weekend and also consume alcohol without having to get behind the wheel of the boat. Constables along with Texas Parks and Wildlife Game Wardens will be patrolling all weekend. They will be checking boat registrations and enforcing no wake zones and flotation device use. In addition, anyone born after 1993 must have a current boater education class certificate if they are operating a boat on the water. First, off Saturday morning they were dispatched to a Lake rescue in which a phone Life 360 App reported an emergency with a possible boat crash close to FM 1097. Multiple units responded but were unable to locate anything. Further investigation revealed the apparent jarring of the waves while the owner was boating set it off. They were finally able to locate him and determined there was no emergency. Officers will also be available for voluntary safety checks of their watercraft.