Keith Randall should have celebrated his nineteenth birthday with his mom on Saturday, and they should be preparing for his high school graduation this spring. Instead, Keith Randall is behind bars. His mom, Lori Randall, lies in the ground beneath a headstone.
She was brutally murdered four years ago and two men were indicted for killing her, but only one was held accountable. Michael “Brandon” Gloede, 30, was convicted of manslaughter last July in connection with Lori Randall’s death.
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Gloede and his father, Michael Fred Gloede, were arrested and charged with murder on March 31, 2008. His father, who was indicted with equal responsibility, was not prosecuted.
The original arrest affidavit states the pair caused Randall’s death by “blunt force trauma to the head,” which is believed to have occurred on April 30, 2006 at the Gloede residence, in the 1500 block of West Creek Drive in Conroe. Detectives with the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office were contacted on May 1, 2006 by staff members of Methodist Hospital in Houston, where a medical helicopter took Randall earlier that day.
Randall died on May 4, 2006 after she was removed from life support. She was 32. Keith Randall was 15.
The arrest affidavit states that the “most significant injury discovered was a large right-sided subdural hemotoma with neurological evidence of extremely severe and most likely irreversible brain injury not compatible with life.”
According to the report, Randall’s friends and family said she was physically abused by Gloede and his father at their home on West Creek Drive and that she feared for her life if she tried to get out of the relationship.
At the time of Michael Brandon Gloede’s conviction, the phrase “awaiting trial” was used in regard to 55-year-old Michael Fred Gloede. However, that changed last October 27, when 221st District Judge Suzanne Stovall signed a motion to dismiss the murder charge against Michael Fred Gloede, citing “insufficient evidence” with the words “at this time” hand written on the same line.
Michael Fred Gloede was given a new lease on life, but his lease was terminated on Feb. 1, when someone shot him in the head and left him inside his burning home – the same home where Lori Randall spent her final conscious days.
The address was well-known to police, and not only because of Lori Randall’s death.
Montgomery County dispatch records show the following calls to the Gloede residence:
- April 10, 2002 – warrant service
- October 1, 2002 – suspicious person
- August 1, 2003 – threat
- October 28, 2005 – assault
- February 17, 2006 – assault
- March 28, 2006 – narcotics offense
- September 16, 2006 – burglary
On Thursday, the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office and the Montgomery County Fire Marshal’s Office arrested Keith Ryan Randall and charged him with murdering Michael Fred Gloede. Keith is now is now in the same jail as Michael Brandon Gloede, who is awaiting transfer to a Texas Department of Corrections facility to serve his sentence.
A 15-year-old female was also arrested in connection with the crime, but her name was withheld because of her age.
MCSO Lt. Dan Norris said the girl was only a friend of Keith Randall. She was placed in the custody of the Juvenile Probation Office. She and Randall were both enrolled in Conroe ISD schools.
Norris said the motive for Gloede’s killing was still under investigation.
“The Sheriff’s Office is not prepared to say it’s because of the 2006 murder, but we will review that before the case is forwarded to DA’s office,” he said.
Many of the details could not be discussed because it might jeopardize the investigation, Norris said.
Keith Randall’s bond is set at $500,000.
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