If you have any information regarding the persons listed below, please call the Pct. 4 Constable’s Office at 281-577-8985. (Not all photos were available)
Anthony Trahan, 10/4/81, New Caney
Rose Brown, 12/26/57, New Caney
James Christian, 12/3/85, Conroe
Donald Eicher, 10/2/77, Kingwood
Charles Overbay, 4/25/86, Cleveland
Brittany Sickles, 6/29/86, New Caney
Anthony Trahan, 10/4/81, New Caney
· Patrick Borrego, 9/17/70, Splendora
· Albert Jacobs, 9/26/76, Conroe
· Joel Salinas, 1/14/90, Conroe
David Thompson, 8/12/63, New Caney