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HomeLocal / Area NewsReport Highlights Programs With Potential to Increase Teen Seat Belt Use

Report Highlights Programs With Potential to Increase Teen Seat Belt Use

Governors Highway Safety Association and The Allstate Foundation
partner to identify initiatives key to reversing unbelted teen fatalities

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Buckling up has always been a simple action that dramatically increases a person’s chances of surviving a crash, but more than half of teen drivers killed in 2012 failed to use a seat belt. What’s more shocking is that this number has increased by six percent over the last three years. And worse, teen passengers killed in fatal crashes use their seat belts even less than fatally injured teen drivers — almost 20 percent less. A report by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) and The Allstate Foundation is giving states and localities tools to combat these trends by highlighting programs across the country that can serve as models to increase teen seat belt use rates.

The report, Getting It To Click: Connecting Teens And Seat Belts, examines the elements of effective teen seat belt programs, showcases promising programs currently implemented in 12 states, and recommendations to accelerate the success of programs motivating teens to buckle up.

“Crashes are already the leading cause of death for teens, and it is particularly disturbing to see the percentage of unbelted teen drivers and passengers in fatalities continue to rise,” said GHSA Executive Director Jonathan Adkins, who oversaw the development of this latest report. “It is imperative that we find out what works to make teens understand that using a seat belt may save their life and find ways to convince them to buckle up every time they get in the car.”

“Developing innovative, engaging approaches to teen safe driving reduces injuries and ultimately helps save lives,” said Steve Sorenson, executive vice president at Allstate. “We hope that highlighting effective programs already underway in states and cities across the country will help expand their reach and encourage everyone in the car to buckle up on every trip.”

Programs and initiatives covered in the report were identified through a survey of State Highway Safety Offices (SHSOs) conducted by GHSA in January 2014. After reviewing survey responses, an expert panel identified a number of states with strong teen seat belt-related programs that had the potential for replication by other states. These states are: Delaware, Florida, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Texas and Wisconsin.

Expert panel members identified seven elements that effective teen seat belt programs had in common. These include:

  • Laws and their enforcement;
  • Peer-to-peer efforts;
  • Parental participation;
  • Community involvement;
  • Incorporation of social media;
  • Provision of incentives; and
  • Resources that would be useful to diverse audiences.

Programs detailed in the report all had one or more of these seven elements at their core, and the most successful used a multifaceted approach. Nearly every state has implemented campaigns that address teen road safety, and many have specific efforts that target seat belt use in particular. However, no single approach has solved the challenge of improving teen compliance with seat belt laws. Instead, research shows that combining approaches improves the likelihood of affecting teen behavior.

The state program survey and summary report were created and written by Karen Sprattler, Principal, Sprattler Group. An expert panel contributed to the report. Panel members included Kathy Bernstein Harris, National Safety Council; Anita Boles, NOYS (National Organizations for Youth Safety); Hilda Crespo, Aspira; Chuck DeWeese, New York Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee; Sandy Sinclair, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA); Allan Williams, researcher; GHSA’s Adkins; and Laura Glaza, The Allstate Foundation.

A PDF version of the new report is available online at

GHSA will hold a webinar on the report on July 16 at 3:00 p.m. EDT. Register at

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About GHSA

The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) is a nonprofit association representing the highway safety offices of states, territories, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. GHSA provides leadership and representation for the states and territories to improve traffic safety, influence national policy, enhance program management and promote best practices. Its members are appointed by their Governors to administer federal and state highway safety funds and implement state highway safety plans. Contact GHSA at 202-789-0942 or visit Find us on Facebook at Follow us on Twitter at @GHSAHQ.

About The Allstate Foundation
Established in 1952, The Allstate Foundation is an independent, charitable organization made possible by subsidiaries of The Allstate Corporation (NYSE: ALL). Through partnerships with nonprofit organizations across the country, The Allstate Foundation brings the relationships, reputation and resources of Allstate to support innovative and lasting solutions that enhance people’s well-being and prosperity. With a focus on teen safe driving and building financial independence for domestic violence survivors, The Allstate Foundation also promotes safe and vital communities; tolerance, inclusion, and diversity; and economic empowerment. For more information, visit

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