Sunday, October 13, 2024


STATE OF TEXAS – BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECUTION COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY – DATED November 15, 2023, and issued pursuant to a judgment decree(s) of the 457th District Court of Montgomery County, Texas, by the Clerk of said Court; on July 12, 2024, to me directed and delivered, and as Constable of said County, I have on the 12th day of September 2024, seized, levied upon, and will on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at the East Montgomery Annex Courthouse door of said County, in the City of New Caney, Texas, beginning at or about 10:00 a.m., on said day, within legal hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. as prescribed by law, proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder all the right, title and interest of the defendants in such suit in and to the following described property levied upon as the property of said defendant, the same lying and being situated in the County of Montgomery, and the State of Texas, to-wit:
Suit No. 23-09-13431; White 2020 Toyota Camry – Sedan 4 Door, Tx. Plate# RZS7566- VIN 4T1L31AK3LU524004.
Said sale to be made by me to satisfy the judgment rendered in the above styled and numbered cause, together with interest and costs applied to the satisfaction thereof, and the remainder, if any, to be applied as the law directs.
This property will be sold in its present condition “AS IS”, and no warranties of any kind will be made or given.
Purchasers at this sale will receive an ordinary type of Constable’s Bill of Sale which is without warrant, express or implied.
At the time the sale begins, all bidders at the sale must be registered with the officer who conducts the sale and all monies must be paid at the end of the sale.
Dated in Montgomery County, Texas, this is the 12th day of September 2024. Kenneth Hayden, Constable Precinct 4
Montgomery County, TX.
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