At 7:56 pm Tuesday Cleveland Police Officers arrived at the Wal-mart on SH 105 and US 59 after being alerted to a shoplifting in progress. As they arrived Loss Prevention officers pointed out two males and a female getting into a four door vehicle and speeding off. Office Cook and Edwards attempted to stop them but they fled under US 59 then south. At speeds up to 70 mph Montgomery County was alerted and attempted to stop the vehicle at Community Drive but were unable to. Another attempt was at FM 1314 but the vehicle made a u-turn and went back northbound. Just before the New Caney Post Office they threw a gun out of the vehicle as they headed east on Antique and then FM 1485. At this point Montgomery County Sheriff’s units were directly behind him as were Montgomery County Precinct 4, Splendora and Houston Police.
As the pursuit got to Willaby Lane the vehicle entered Peach Creek Subdivision and started running through there. When they got to Lantern and Heather a female, identified as 20-year-old Brittany Carroll jumped out of the vehicle and ran between the houses. AS she did several officers disengaged the pursuit and chased her on foot only to lose her to the dark of night.
The two male continued into Roman Forest and through Roman Forest to Tram Road where they went to FM 2090. At FM 2090 they turned east to Plum Grove and north back to CR 319 in Cleveland.
Once again the got onto US 59 and started south, at one point attempting to ram a patrol car.
The units which had been on the ground searching for the woman attempted to make their way back to US 59 to get in front of the vehicle. As one of the Cleveland patrol cars was west on FM 2090 his vehicle caught a wet patch in a curve causing him to wreck into the ditch. He had minor injuries.
The vehicle then exited Fostoria Road and went north on Fostoria heading toward SH 105. As they passed Morgan Cemetery Constable Hayden attempted to stop the vehicle and got behind him. When they got to SH105 the driver drove east to Cleveland where they entered US 59 northbound in the southbound lanes. At this point units did more of making sure there were plenty of lights to keep motorists clear. At FM2025 they crossed the freeway and entered San Jacinto County in the northbound lanes. Police stayed with them as speed now got to 100 mph. The pursuit went through Shepherd, entered into Polk County, went through Goodrich and entered Livingston.
It was there DPS troopers were able to be set up on them and were abler to spike the vehicle blowing both front tires out and shutting the chase down.
Terry Lynn Middleton, 21 was taken into custody from the drivers seat. His passenger Ronald Lee Hill Jr., 24 was also taken into custody. Both were transported back to Cleveland and face multiple charges from several counties and jurisdictions.
Close to 1 am, a call came in from the area of Coach Light in Peach Creek that a police officers wife just had a female run through her yard. Units moved to that area and were able to find Brittany Carroll in a mobile home. After an extensive struggle she was taken into custody by Montgomery County Precinct 4 Deputies.
Inside the vehicle that was stopped officers found a clip from a gun, masks and drugs.
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