Today, the Legislature will begin meeting in special session, and I will continue my efforts to increase accountability to local voters – like I did with the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District.
Among the issues being considered are property tax reform. Property tax reform is absolutely necessary to protect Texas homeowners from appraisal abuse. This has been my goal since my first session and will continue to be one of my top priorities, because we must ensure that Texans are not taxed our of their homes.
During this special session, I am filing legislation to reform county appraisal districts – replacing appointed boards and bureaucrats with elected officials so that appraisal districts are responsible to the taxpayers, not the tax collectors. This legislation will:
- Make the Chief Appraiser position of the county an elected position.
- Make the members of the Appraisal Review Board elected positions.
- Make the members of the Appraisal District Board of Directors elected positions.
Allowing citizens to elect their local taxing officials is one of the most direct ways to keep local government spending in check and allow citizens to control their local tax bills.
This special session presents several opportunities to achieve conservative priorities, and you can keep up with our progress by following me on Twitter, Facebook or by regular email updates.
I look forward to hearing from as you as we work together towards achieving our goals.
God Bless you, your family and the Great State of Texas!
Will Metcalf
State Representative HD-16
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