In February 2017, Constable Mark Herman’s High Tech Crimes Unit conducted a lengthy investigation into the Fraudulent Use/Possession of Identifying Information regarding a suspect using stolen identity to lease apartments.
The complainant, who lives out of state, noticed several leases and inquiries from apartment complexes in Harris County on her credit report. She contacted these complexes to alert them of the fraudulent activity. An apartment complex contacted Precinct 4 Constable’s Office to alert Investigators of one of their tenants using the complainant’s information to obtain a lease.
This resident was later arrested and provided information on a male suspect later identified as Charles Christmas who advertised on social media his ability to obtain apartment and rental property leases despite any negative inquiries such as felony convictions and previous evictions. Christmas provided his clients with fraudulently obtained identifying information to complete the lease process.
Charles Christmas was arrested in April 2017 as a result of this investigation, and later pled guilty to his charges
Investigators continued their investigation and were able to identify another suspect as Mary Keyes. Keyes used the complainant’s information to obtain an apartment in the 1600 block of Enclave Parkway.
“Mary Keyes was arrested and booked into the Harris County Jail, charged with Use/Possession of Identifying Information and Tampering with a Government Record. She is currently out on a $10,000.00 bond and is awaiting trial in the 228th District Court.” –Constable Mark Herman
Name: Mary Melissa Keyes
Date of birth: 05/21/1978
Charge: Fraudulent Use/Possession of ID Info Tampering with Government Record
Bond: $10,000.00
Court: 228th District Court
Status: Out on bond