Monday, February 10, 2025


JULY 28, 2006

JULY 28, 2010
Just before 1a.m. the “MEN IN BLACK: continued their quest on shutting the dope supply lines down. Serving a Delivery of Marijuana Warrant on Gary Followell on Joy Village Drive in Splendora.

As they were arresting him at his home they noticed three large packages of marijuana. Followell was arrested on a charge of Possession of Marijuana greater than 4 ounces and less than five pounds. Followell admitted he had been selling out of the location for almost 4 years making about $1000 a month.

His mobile home was attached by a well-built deck/walkway to his large game room in a separate building that was equipped with big-screen televisions, a bar, pool table. It was decorated with a combination of racing pictures, posters, and models. Two other walls with Elvis posters and photos. The yard was surrounded by an 8-foot privacy fence.

Constable Rowdy Hayden who was on the scene stated they had many complaints on the Joy Village location with regard to selling drugs.

As the Montgomery County Police Reporter videoed Deputy Chapa escorting Followell to the patrol car Followell looking at the camera commented,” No way! Am I going to be on Cops”.

When asked about sleep Rowdy Hayden and several of the other deputies stated, “What is sleep.”

JULY 28, 2014
Saturday, a hunter out maintaining a deer lease near Old Highway 35 in Goodrich happened across a what is possibly the biggest illegal marijuana field in Texas history. The field was complete with a camp and sophisticated growing system, with quality water pumps leading out of a nearby creek. The hunter notified the Polk County Sheriff’s Office and investigators converged on the property a short time later. According to Polk County Chief Deputy, Byron Lyons, the investigators will be looking for fingerprints and other forensic evidence in an effort to find those responsible for the illegal grow.

On Monday morning, all branches of local law enforcement arrived to help uproot the plants. Deputies from the Polk County Sheriff’s Office, Officers from Livingston Police Department, Polk County Constables, Investigators with the Texas Department of Public Safety, and assistance from law enforcement from surrounding counties (including Harris County) were all present, along with inmates from the Polk County Jail. A DPS helicopter was put to use to help locate other possible growths, and did in fact locate four more large fields of marijuana.

Overall, an additional seventeen fields were found and also removed.

Chief Deputy Byron Lyons stated that such large operations are not just a Polk County problem. More dealers are choosing to grow their marijuana within our borders to avoid the cost and danger of international smuggling. Lyons also stated that operations similar to this one are more than likely a problem throughout East Texas.

The camp that was found in the fields appeared to have been recently and quickly vacated. Clothes were left hanging on a makeshift clothesline, and shoes and sandals were abandoned in the middle of the camp. Fresh vegetables were out, ready to be cut up for a meal, and cell phone chargers hung from trees, powered by batteries and several Honda generators. The pumps were found leading out of the creek, feeding a large water line into PVC pies throughout the fields.

The area around the field was so dense that officials feel the marijuana farmers must have entered the area up the Trinity River, by boat.

Later, several suspects were spotted north of Goodrich and a DPS helicopter gave pursuit, with ground support from TDCJ dogs. Part of Us 59 was shut down to one lane as the search went on. One suspect, a Hispanic male in his thirties, was taken into custody. It was during the search for these suspects at least a dozen more fields were found in the area. Due to their isolated locations, law enforcement currently plans to fly helicopters in and airlift the plants out.

By Monday, just over 44,000 plants were harvested. Chief Lyons said with the other fields taken into account, that number could easily go over 100,000. Most of the plants are young plants, there were no buds yet. A dollar value has not yet been put on them.

With temperatures hovering right at 100 degrees, medics were kept busy as several deputies, a game warden, and even a news reporter from KTRE News in Lufkin were treated with IV fluids after succumbing to the heat.

JULY 28, 2015
Tuesday night was the 9th class for the Montgomery County Precinct 4 Constables Office Citizens Police Academy. The academy is a way to bring citizens together to be able to see what officers go through each day and what the job consists of. Just over 20 citizens have been involved in the first class. During that time they rode with Precinct 4 Deputies as they patrolled the streets of Montgomery County.. They heard from the Montgomery County District Attorney who explained what his office does to prosecute cases. Montgomery County Precinct 4 Justice of the Peace James Metts met with them to discuss how his office works. The citizens learned crime scene procedures and worked with fingerprinting.

Tuesday night was a bit different. The students participated in a shoot don’t shoot scenario where they were put into different situations and had to react. They carried a pistol that shot marker blanks. The bad guys were armed with blank pistols. All of the students came out not believing a decision could be so difficult.

In one situation Commissioner, Jim Clark was given a scenario with three males. One was reported to be in an unknown condition and acting strangely. As Clark exited the patrol car he was met by the person who called it in. That male tried to get Clark to let him assist him in getting, “the crazy guy”, as the reportee called it. As Clark approached he was met by another individual who was recording the scene on his cell phone. As Clark tried to get him to back up, Clark continued to be distracted by the reportee. He was finally able to approach the man reported to have been disturbed. With his attention on him and the reportee, the man with the camera phone shot Clark.

Another situation was put to another student on a traffic stop. As she talked them out of the car, one man fled, she shot him in the back.

Yet another scene had 3 men fighting. The citizen officer held the one suspect at gunpoint as the other suspect was doing bodily harm to the third.

After almost 4 hours in the heat last night, they discussed the results with Constable Rowdy Hayden. They gave him some of the reasons for their actions and told of their heart racing, nervous, mind spinning with everything going on and how the scene has actually exhausted some both mentally and physically.

Constable hopes to start another class in the fall.


JULY 28, 2017
A long-term environmental hazard situation was resolved early Friday morning at about 7:30 am when Liberty County Deputies served both a search warrant and arrest warrants on Robert Alen Piver at his home residence located at 112 CR 6477 in south Liberty County Just outside Dayton. Lead Investigator Deputy Linda Bloomingdale said that one warrant charging Piver with Illegal Dumping Over 100 Pounds, a State Jail Felony and a warrant for Violation Of Order Of Fire Marshal, a Class “B” offense was action taken after Sheriff Bobby Rader, Pct. 4 County Commissioner Leon Wilson and County Fire Marshal Bill Hergermueller’s offices received numerous citizen complaints about thousands of old vehicle tires stacked up and stored around the residence in this otherwise well-kept community of the West Woodland Hills Sub Division.

Fire Marshal Hergermueller said he had served Piver a Violation of Fire Protection order on June 1st. of this year giving him 30 days to clean up his property but was granted an additional 15 day extension at Piver’s request so the property could be cleaned up, which was never done. Then as additional citizen complaints continued to come in, the arrest action was taken early Friday. According to County Commissioner Leon Wilson his entire staff, trucks and heavy equipment along with trucks from other precincts and the City of Daytonwill be tied up for an undetermined period of time removing what he estimated to be somewhere between eight and ten thousand old tires. The tires will be stored by the County as evidence until final court action is taken. As of 3pm 79 trucks had been loaded with tires and as Commissioner Wilson said, it is barely scratching the surface. In addition, several boats were found on the back of the property. They all were in poor condition but were not stolen. Raw sewage was also found flowing onto the ground in the rear of the house.

JULY 28, 2017
About 8 am Friday Theresa Kirkpatrick, 55 and a friend went with her husband to the Sam Houston National Forest. They were going to recover a dirt bike that had broken down on the trail the day before. After locating the bike they headed back to their vehicle. When her husband got there she had not yet caught up. He searched most of the day to a point of near exhaustion. He then called 911. Game wardens arrived at 430pm with deputies and firefighters not far behind. Kirkpatrick’s husband was transported to Conroe Regional Hospital. Detectives are meeting with him at this hour. Kirkpatrick has a known medical condition which combined with triple-digit temperature could be dangerous. Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, Walker County Sheriff’s Office, Park Rangers, and Texas Parks and Wildlife Game Wardens and New Waverly Fire Department, and Montgomery County Search and Rescue are searching the thousands of acres of land near Stubblefield Road and FM 1375. A DPS helicopter is overhead searching with a FLIR which detects body heat. Also, the Texas Department of Corrections dogs is on the scene. If you have any information on her call the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office or the Walker County Sheriff’s Office. As of midnight, the search continues.

JULY 28, 2018
At about 3:15 pm a Chevrolet pickup rear-ended a Toyota SUV in the U-turn lane at SH 242 going from I-45 northbound to I-45 southbound. Both drivers got out to inspect the damage. That is when the driver of the black pickup pulled a knife and stabbed the driver of the SUV. The driver of the SUV then returned to his vehicle and retrieved a .380 and fired several times into the ground. The truck was not hit. Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office and Montgomery County Precinct 3 Constables Office responded. According to Precinct 3 Captain Dan Zientek the victim who was stabbed was taken to Hermann Hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries. Both drivers are being detained as the investigation continues. The southbound feeder of I-45 has since reopened as traffic was quite heavy during the investigation. Precinct 3 Investigators are asking for anyone who witnesses the incident to contact the Precinct 3 Constables Office at 281-364-4211 or 936-539-7813.

JULY 28, 2021
car that had slammed into an 18-wheeler and was under it on Fish Creek just south of FM 2854. Lake Conroe Fire units arrived first to find a 2018 Suburu WRX under a lowboy equipment hauling 18-wheeler trailer. They were able to pull a 5-year-old boy out of the back seat of the vehicle through the only opening into the passenger compartment. The male driver in his 30’s was found to be deceased once he was cut out of the vehicle. The driver of the 18-wheeler told DPS Troopers that he was northbound on Fish Creek on the inside lane of the two northbound lanes when an airline broke causing his air brakes to lock up. Unable to move the vehicle he activated his flashers and walked to the back of the truck to check the brakes. As he got back upfront the Suburu slammed into the back of the 18-wheeler. Firefighters had to raise the loading ramp to gain access to the vehicle. The MCHD transported the boy to Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston in critical condition. Montgomery County Precinct 2 Justice of the
Peace Trey Spikes ordered Eickenhorst Funeral Directors to transport the victim to the Montgomery County Forensic Center. DPS noted there were no skid marks from the Suburu. The roadway is unlit with a 45 mile per hour speed limit. No charges are being filed at this time. THe investigation is continuing.


JULY 28, 2022
On 07-28-2022, at around 5:53 pm, the Conroe Police Department was dispatched to a disturbance where shots were fired in the 900 block of Fife Dr. Officers arrived shortly after and discovered one male with a gunshot wound. The victim was identified as Brent Purvis, 28 years of age, and was later pronounced deceased at the scene. The investigation revealed the disturbance started as a road rage incident that led to the shooting. The suspect identified as Justin Clarabut, 29 years of age, was taken into custody and charged with murder. Clarabut was transported to the Montgomery County Jail. .

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